Wednesday, May 29, 2019

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Wednesday, February 20, 2019



الذهب يتم التنقيب عليه لانه شيء ثمين وللاسف ازدات صعوبة الحصول عليه بالطرق البسيطة بسبب ان الكمية الاكبر منه توجد في اعماق الارض, لذلك تصرف الشركات ملايين الدولارات على اجهزة التنقيب وعلى العمال في المناجم. البيتكوين نفس الشيء حيث ان من يقوم بتعدينه فهو بالضرورة يرغب في الحصول على شيء ثمين لكن نفس الحالة مع الذهب ان البيتكوين هو الاخر ازدادت صعوبة الحصول عليه من خلال التعدين باجهزة بسيطة لذلك بدأ المستثمرين الكبار بصرف الاف الدولارات في الاجهزة لتعدين البيتكوين.
الذهب يتم التنقيب عليه لانه شيء ثمين وللاسف ازدات صعوبة الحصول عليه بالطرق البسيطة بسبب ان الكمية الاكبر منه توجد في اعماق الارض, لذلك تصرف الشركات ملايين الدولارات على اجهزة التنقيب وعلى العمال في المناجم. البيتكوين نفس الشيء حيث ان من يقوم بتعدينه فهو بالضرورة يرغب في الحصول على شيء ثمين لكن نفس الحالة مع الذهب ان البيتكوين هو الاخر ازدادت صعوبة الحصول عليه من خلال التعدين باجهزة بسيطة لذلك بدأ المستثمرين الكبار بصرف الاف الدولارات في الاجهزة لتعدين البيتكوين.
الذهب يتم التنقيب عليه لانه شيء ثمين وللاسف ازدات صعوبة الحصول عليه بالطرق البسيطة بسبب ان الكمية الاكبر منه توجد في اعماق الارض, لذلك تصرف الشركات ملايين الدولارات على اجهزة التنقيب وعلى العمال في المناجم. البيتكوين نفس الشيء حيث ان من يقوم بتعدينه فهو بالضرورة يرغب في الحصول على شيء ثمين لكن نفس الحالة مع الذهب ان البيتكوين هو الاخر ازدادت صعوبة الحصول عليه من خلال التعدين باجهزة بسيطة لذلك بدأ المستثمرين الكبار بصرف الاف الدولارات في الاجهزة لتعدين البيتكوين.
الذهب يتم التنقيب عليه لانه شيء ثمين وللاسف ازدات صعوبة الحصول عليه بالطرق البسيطة بسبب ان الكمية الاكبر منه توجد في اعماق الارض, لذلك تصرف الشركات ملايين الدولارات على اجهزة التنقيب وعلى العمال في المناجم. البيتكوين نفس الشيء حيث ان من يقوم بتعدينه فهو بالضرورة يرغب في الحصول على شيء ثمين لكن نفس الحالة مع الذهب ان البيتكوين هو الاخر ازدادت صعوبة الحصول عليه من خلال التعدين باجهزة بسيطة لذلك بدأ المستثمرين الكبار بصرف الاف الدولارات في الاجهزة لتعدين البيتكوين.
أكمل التدوينه

Sunday, October 21, 2018

Red Ball on the Floor


 Red Ball on the Floor

See Images     Repeat    Translate
The ball is on the floor. It is a red ball. It is a rubber ball. The baby looks at the ball. The cat looks at the ball. The cat is black. The cat walks over to the ball. The cat hits the ball with its paw. The ball rolls on the floor. The baby smiles.

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Car in a Car Wash


 Car in a Car Wash

Red Ball on the Floor
See Images     Repeat    Translate

She sits in the car. Her dad drives the car. He drives to a car wash. The car goes through the car wash. Water sprays onto the car. Soap sprays onto the car. Soft brushes scrub the car. More water sprays onto the car. The car is clean. Men dry the car with clean rags. The car is dry.
Red Ball on the Floor
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Saturday, October 20, 2018

Why the Sky is so High


   Why the Sky is so High

Many years ago, the sky was so low that if you reached up you could touch it with your fingers.
And in northern India where the sky was lowest there was a village where a very old woman lived in a tiny mud hut.
This little old woman lived all alone as she had no friends or family left.
She had nowhere to go and no one to talk to. So to keep herself busy, she spent all her time cleaning her house and yard.
One hot summer when the monsoon had not yet come, the soil was so dry that there was dust everywhere - on the trees, on the roofs of huts and houses and in the air.
People coughed and sneezed and choked because the dust got into their noses and throats.
Even the poor Sky suffered - it was so near the ground that when the dust rose, it coughed and sneezed as well.
The old woman's hut was covered with dust. She swept and swept the little hut with her broom. She even swept the outside of her hut and her front yard. But the more she swept, the more the dust swirled around her.
The Sky began to choke with all the dust that the old woman was causing with her sweeping.
The dust got into its throat and tickled its nose and made it sneeze - a great big sneeze that shook the world with its thunder.
People covered their heads and ran indoors in fright. But the old woman kept on sweeping.
The dust got into the Sky’s eyes and made them water so that huge drops of rain began falling onto the dry earth. The old woman barely noticed until a huge raindrop fell on her head.
The old woman glared at the Sky and scrubbed the raindrop away. But then another raindrop fell, and another, until her lovely clean yard was covered in raindrops.
This made the old woman very angry. She shouted at the Sky, yelling at it to stop raining on her nice clean yard. But the poor old Sky couldn't stop raining - its eyes were so full of dust.
At last, the old woman was so angry, that she picked up her broom, and hit the Sky with it. The Sky gave another huge sneeze and jumped out of her way. But the old woman kept hitting it with her broom, over and over again.
The Sky had had enough of the dust and being hit by the old woman’s broom.
Sneezing and coughing, thundering and raining, the Sky flew higher and higher until the dust couldn’t reach it and swore never to come down again.
And that is why the Sky is so high. Even where it looks as though it touches the earth, the Sky is really very high, out of the reach of angry old woman with broom!

قديماً في السنوات الماضية كانت السماء منخفضة جداً بحيث اذا مددت يدك للأعلى يمكنك لمسها بأصابعك
وفي شمال الهند حيث السماء كانت اخفض مايمكن كان هناك قرية عاشت فيها أمرأة عجوز جدا في كوخ صغير من الطين.
هذه المرأة العجوز عاشت لوحدها كأنه ليس لديها اصدقاء أو عائلتها تخلت عنها.
لم يكن لديها اي مكان للذهاب إليه او أي شخص للتحدث معه ولكي تبقي نفسها مشغوله فأنها امضت كل وقتها بتنظيف منزلها و فناء منزلها.
في أحد الصيفيات الحارة عندما تأخرت الرياح الموسمية بالقدوم كانت التربة جافة جداً حيث الغبار في كل مكان على الاشجار وعلى سقوف الأكواخ و على المنازل وفي الهواء.
اصيب الناس بالسعال و العطاس و الاختناق بسبب دخول الغبار الى انوفهم وحناجرهم.
حتى ان السماء المسكينه عانت من ذلك لانها كانت قريبه من الارض عندما تصاعد الغبار وبدأت بالعطاس و السعال أيضا.
كان كوخ المرأة العجوز مغطى بالغبار وقامت بكنس كوخها الصغير بالمكنسه . حتى انها كنست بالخارج بالقرب من كوخها و فناء منزلها لكن كلما كنست كان الغبار يلتف حولها.
بدأت السماء بالاختناق بالغبار الذي كانت المرأة العجوز تسببه بكنسها.
دخلت الغبار الى حلق السماء ودغدغت انفها وجعلتها تعطس عطسه كبيره جدا بحيث هزت العالم برعدها.
غطت الناس رؤوسهم وركضوا الى داخل منازلهم بخوف لكن المرأة العجوز استمرت بالكنس.
دخل الغبار الى داخل عين السماء وجعلتهم يدمعون وهكذا فأن قطرات كبيرة من المطر بدأت بالسقوط على الارض الجافة و بالكاد لاحظت المرأة العجوز ذلك عندما سقطت قطرة مطر كبيرة على رأسها.
حدقت المرأة العجوز في السماء و أزالت قطرت المطر بعيداً لكن قطرة أخرى و أخرى بدأت بالهطول حتى غُطي فناء منزلها النظيف الجميل بقطرات المطر.
هذا جعل المرأة العجوز غاضبة جداً وصرخت على السماء كي توقف نزول المطر على فناء منزلها النظيف لكن السماء المسكينه لم تكن قادره على ذلك لان عينيها كانتا مليئتان بالغبار.
وفي النهاية كانت المرأة العجوز غاضبة جداً فالتقطت مكنستها وضربت السماء بها. فعطست السماء عطسه كبيرة جداً وقفزت بعيداً عنها ولكن العجوز استمرت بضربها بالمكنسه مراراً و تكراراً.
لقد حصلت السماء على مايكفي من الغبار و التعرض للضرب من مكنسة المرأه العجوز.
العطاس و السعال هما الرعد و المطر, وحلقت السماء للاعلى و الاعلى حتى لايستطيع الغبار الوصول إليها وأقسمت بأن لا تعود للنزول من جديد.
وهذا هو السبب لماذا السماء بعيدة جداً حتى لو كانت تبدوا انها تمس الارض لكن في الحقيقة السماء مرتفعة جداً بحيث انها خارج متناول المرأة العجوز و مكنستها.
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Robin Hood and the Golden Arrow Story ~ Legend Stories for Kids


Robin Hood and the Golden Arrow Story ~ Legend Stories for Kids 

Robin Hood and the Golden Arrow Legend StoryThis is the Tale of Robin Hood and the Golden Arrow, a Legend Story for Kids. It is one of the many adventures of Robin HoodIt is adapted and brought to you by Stories to Grow by.
In all the land, no one was better with a bow and arrow than Robin Hood.  He lived with his band of Merry Men in Sherwood Forest.  That was the woods where the King kept his royal deer.
A few years before, King Richard had ruled the land.  King Richard let people who were poor come into Sherwood Forest.  They could hunt the deer to get food for their families. But the time had come for King Richard and his army to leave England.  As soon as he was gone, his younger brother John took over the throne. Bad King John did not want anyone to come into Sherwood Forest anymore to hunt the royal deer.  From then on, anyone who was seen hunting the King’s deer in Sherwood Forest would be hanged!

Robin Hood did not like that one bit.  He moved into Sherwood Forest.  Dressed in green from his cap to his boots, the trees of Sherwood Forest could hide him as he hunted the King’s deer. Sometimes other brave men came into Sherwood Forest.  One by one they joined Robin Hood, and became his Merry Men.
Robin Hood and his Merry Men would hide when rich nobles and dukes passed through the woods.  Then all at once, they would jump out and rob those rich men. And Robin Hood would give the money to the poor.
The rich men who were robbed were not happy about it.  They went to the King.  They told Bad King John what was going on in Sherwood Forest. They said, "Something must be done about this!"  The King put the Sheriff of Nottingham in charge of Sherwood Forest. It would be his job to catch Robin Hood - once and for all!

And Robin Hood would give the money to the poor.

But the man in green was too quick.  His Merry Men would warn Robin Hood each time they saw the Sheriff of Nottingham or one of his guards in the woods.
So the Sheriff came up with a new plan.  “I will call for a great contest,” he said, “to find out who is the best in the land with a bow and arrow. The winner will go home with a Golden Arrow.” The Sheriff said in a low voice, “If I know Robin Hood, he will not be able to stay away from such a contest. And when he comes, we will catch him!”
“Robin Hood, don’t go to the contest!” said Little John.  Of all the Merry Men, Robin Hood trusted Little John the most. “It is a trap!” he said.  “When they see you, they will get you.”
Robin Hood said nothing.  He wanted to go.

“It is a trap!” said Little John.

On the day of the contest, ten fine bowmen lined up.  The round target was so far away it was hard to see its black and red circles.  One by one, each young man shot his best arrow. Some of the arrows landed on the target.  None came close to the center.
The Sheriff turned to one of his guards.  “Do you see him? Is he here?”
“No, Sire.  Robin Hood has red hair.  None of the ones who are shooting has red hair.”
“That wimp!” said the Sheriff.  “He fears me!  That is why he stayed away.”

The Sheriff turned to one of his guards.  “Do you see him? Is he here?”

Two bowmen were left.  The first was William, the Sheriff's man.  With care, William, took aim.  His arrow landed at the very center of the target - a bull’s eye!  The crowd cheered for William.
It was time for the last bowman.  His arrow sailed through the air, too.  It landed right through the bull’s eye arrow, cutting it in half!  In a flash, the bowman let go of two more arrows. Each one flew to where the Sheriff sat, pinning him to his seat, one arrow on each side.  
The Sheriff did not know what was going on!  Then the man in green pulled off a black wig and threw it on the ground.  
“Get him, you fools!” shouted the Sheriff.  “It's Robin Hood!”
But our hero jumped over the wall to a horse waiting for him.  He was gone! Robin Hood had escaped!
This tale, "Robin Hood and the Golden Arrow," is but one of the many adventures of Robin Hood, the most loved hero in all of England.  And one of the most loved heroes in the world.

Discussion Questions: 
Question 1. Did Robin Hood do the right thing when he went into Sherwood Forest to hunt deer after the King said no one could do it anymore?    Why or why not?
Question 2. If you were Robin Hood, would you have gone to the contest?  Why or why not?
Question 3. Say what you think this story was trying to show you.
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The Hare and the Tortoise


            The Hare and the Tortoise

The Hare was once boasting of his speed before the other animals. I have never yet been beaten, said he, when I put forth my full speed.
I challenge any one here to race with me, The Tortoise said quietly, I accept your challenge.
That is a good joke, said the Hare; I could dance round you all the way.
Keep your boasting till you’ve beaten, answered the Tortoise. Shall we race?
So a course was fixed and a start was made.
The Hare darted almost out of sight at once, but soon stopped and, to show his contempt for the Tortoise, lay down to have a nap.
The Tortoise plodded on and plodded on, and when the Hare awoke from his nap, he saw the Tortoise just near the winning-post and could not run up in time to save the race.
Then said the Tortoise: Plodding wins the race.
في احدى المرات كان هناك ارنب بري يتفاخر بسرعته امام الحيوانات الاخرى قال "لم يحدث قط ان هزمت" فعندما أنطلق بأقصى سرعة
أتحدى أي شخص هنا ان يسابقني "أجابت السلحفاة بهدوء" قبلت تحديك.
فقال الارنب "انها مزحة جيدة" يمكنني الرقص حولك طوال الطريق.
أجابته السلحفاة " ابق متفاخرا هكذا حتى هزيمتك " هل نتسابق ؟
وهكذا تم الطريق ووضعت البداية.
بلمح البصر اندفع الارنب البري , ولكنه حالما توقف ليري السلحفاة ازدراءه , فاستلقى لأخذ قيلولة.
وكانت السلحفاة تكد وتكد , وعندما استفاق الارنب من غفوته , شاهد السلحفاة بجانب خط الفوز ولم يتمكن من اللحاق بها والفوز بالسباق.
بعدها قالت السلحفاة "من جد وجد "
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The Ugly Duckling Story ~ Fairy Tale Story for Kids in English


The Ugly Duckling StoryThe Ugly Duckling Story ~ A Fairy Tale Story for Kids in English 

This is the Fairy Tale The Ugly Duckling Story. It has been adapted from Hans Christian Andersen and is brought to you by Stories to Grow by. 
On a farm long ago, a Mama Duck sat on her nest.  “How long must I wait for my babies to hatch?” she said.  “I have to sit here all alone! And no one comes to visit me.”  But what could she do? A Mama duck must keep her eggs warm till they hatch.  
At last, the eggs began to crack.  One by one, yellow ducklings stepped out of their shells.  They shook their wings and said, “Quack, quack!”
“Look at all of you!” said Mama Duck with joy.  “You are all so cute!”
“Quack, quack!” they said.
Mama Duck said, “Come and line up.  We will go down to the lake for your very first swim.”  She counted – one, two, three, four, five. “Oh dear!” she said.  “I should have six ducklings!”
But one large egg was still in the nest. “Well," said Mama Duck, "it looks like that big egg will take more time.” So she had to go sit on her nest again and wait some more.

“Well," said Mama Duck, "it looks like that big egg will take more time.”

The next day, the big egg started to hatch.  Out came a baby boy bird. But if one may say so, it was an odd-looking thing.  This bird was much bigger than others. He was not yellow at all - he was dark-gray from his head to his feet.  And he walked with a funny wobble.
One of the yellow ducklings pointed.  “What is THAT? He cannot be one of us!”
“I have never seen such an ugly duckling!” said another.  
“How can you say such a thing?” said Mama Duck in a stern voice. “You are only one day old!  Your brother hatched from the very same nest as you did. Now line up. We will go to the lake for your very first swim.”
Yet the other ducklings quacked, “Ugly!  Ugly! Ugly!” The Ugly Duckling did not know why the other ducklings were yelling at him.  He took the last spot in the line.

“What is THAT?  He cannot be one of us!”

Each yellow duck jumped in the river and swam behind Mama Duck.  When it was his turn, the Ugly Duckling jumped in and started to paddle, too.  “At least he can swim,” Mama Duck said to herself.
When they left the water and started to play, the Ugly Duckling tried to play with his brothers and sisters, too.  They yelled, “Go away! We will not play with you! You are ugly. And you walk weird, too!”
When Mama Duck was close by, she would not let them talk in this way.  “Be nice!” she would scold. But she was not always close by.
One day, one of the yellow ducklings said to the Ugly Duckling, “You know what?  You would do us a big favor if you just went away from here!” All of them started to quack, “Get out!  Get out! Get out!”
“Why won’t they let me stay here?” said the Ugly Duckling to himself.  He hung his head down low. “Ah, they are right. I should go.”

“Get out!  Get out! Get out!”

That night, the Ugly Duckling flew over the farmyard fence.  He flew till he landed on the other side of the lake.  There he met two grown-up ducks.
“Can I please stay here for awhile?” said the Ugly Duckling.  “I have nowhere else to be.”
“What do we care?” said one of the ducks.  “Just don’t get in our way.”
“Woof! Woof!”  Suddenly a big hungry dog came tearing by, chasing the two ducks.  They quickly flew up in the air, and their feathers fell down on the ground.  The poor Ugly Duckling froze in fear. The dog sniffed and sniffed at the Ugly Duckling, then turned away.  “I am too ugly even for the big hungry dog to want,” said the Ugly Duckling with his head hung low.
The sky turned dark.  Crack!  A bolt of lightning.  Then came a big storm, with heavy rains pouring down from the sky.  In just moments, the Ugly Duckling was soaked through and through. Then a cold wind started to blow.

Suddenly a big hungry dog came tearing by, chasing the two ducks.

“Brrr!” he said with both wings held close to his chest.  “If only there was a place I could get dry.”
All at once, a tiny light blinked far off in the woods.  “Could it be someone’s hut?”
He flew to the door.  “Quack?” said the Ugly Duckling.  The door of the hut creaked open.
“What is all this noise?” said an old woman, looking right and left.  Her eyes were not that good. Then she looked down. “Ah, look at that, it’s a duck!”  She picked up the Ugly Duckling and dropped him inside her hut. “You can stay here, but only if you lay eggs,” she said.
A tomcat and hen crept up to the Ugly Duckling.  “Who do you think you are, coming in here and taking up room by the fire!” said the tomcat.  
“Squawk!” said the hen.  “I do not need anyone else in this hut laying eggs.”
“Do not worry about that,” said the Ugly Duckling.  “I am a boy duck.”
“Then why are you still here?” said the tomcat.  “Did you not hear what the old woman said?”
“Get out of here, pretender!” clucked the hen.  
“Get out!  Get out!“ hissed the tomcat.

“Why are you still here?” said the tomcat.

The door was still a bit open, so our poor Ugly Duckling slipped out the door, and back into the storm.
“No one ever wants me,” said the Ugly Duckling with a tear in his eye.  
The storm ended.  Soon he found a new lake.  Looking into the water, the Ugly Duckling saw the reflection of a flock of large white birds flying.  He looked overhead and could not believe what he saw. There, above him, were the most beautiful birds he had ever seen!  Their long white bodies and slender necks seemed to just glide through the sky. He watched until the very last bird had winged its way out of view.  
He stayed at that lake all by himself, and time passed.  The leaves of the trees turned deep red and gold, and then the leaves fell to the ground.  Winter came, setting a blanket of white snow all over. The cold wind and the dark clouds made the Ugly Duckling feel even more sad.  He had to go into the cold, cold lake to fish, but it was getting harder to swim.  The lake was turning to ice. One day, it was all he could do was to paddle the water to keep it from freezing around him, and trapping him in the lake.
“I am so tired!” he said, paddling with all his might.  The ice got thicker and drew closer to him.
In a moment, two giant hands swept him up.  “You poor thing!” said a farmer. He held the Ugly Duckling close to his thick wool jacket and took the bird to his home.  

“You poor thing!” said a farmer.

Never was a warm fireplace more welcome!  For the rest of the winter, the farmer cared for the Ugly Duckling.  Then spring came. Tips of green covered the trees. Short, bright flowers popped up from the ground.  
“It is time for you to go to the lake to swim again, as you were born to do,” said the farmer.  He took the duckling back to the lake where he had found him, and set him with care on the water.
“Gosh, I feel strong,” said the young bird, flapping his wings.  “Why, I never felt as strong as I do right now!”
He heard quiet splashing sounds behind him, and turned around.  A flock of those same beautiful birds he had seen in the sky before landed behind him on the water.
“Do not worry!” he said to them, holding out one wing.  “I will go now. I will not make trouble for you.” A big fat tear rolled down his cheek.  He turned to go away. When he opened his eyes, he saw a reflection in the water of one of those beautiful white birds.  Why was it so close to him? He jumped back. And the reflection jumped back, too.

A big fat tear rolled down his cheek.

“What is this?” he said.  He stretched his neck, and the reflection of the beautiful bird stretched its neck, too.
“Why are you going so soon?” said one of the beautiful birds.  
“Stay here, with us!” said another.  “We’ll be great friends.”
Then, the bird who used to be the Ugly Duckling knew what had happened!  He was no longer an ugly gray bird that wobbled when it walked. 

He was now a beautiful white swan! 

At one moment, all the swans flapped their wings and took off into the sky.  “Come with us,” one called back. “Take the lead!” So he flapped his wings fast and took his place in front of the whole flock.  All his new friends flapped their wings behind him.
“Say!” he said, gliding and dipping through the sky as he sped on.  “Who’s an ugly duckling now? Surely, Not I!”

Discussion Questions:
Question 1: Did you ever feel like you didn’t belong with others your age?  Tell about it.
Question 2: What made you feel better?
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The Snow Queen Fairy Tale Story ~ English Story for Kids


The Snow Queen Story

The Snow Queen Fairy Tale Story ~ English Stories for Kids 

This is the Fairy Tale story of The Snow Queen. It has been adapted from Hans Christian Andersen's version and is brought to you by Stories to Grow by. 

The Wizard’s Mirror
ONCE THERE WAS AN EVIL WIZARD who made a mirror with his dark magic.  If anything good or beautiful was put in front of the mirror, the reflection that showed back was only rotten and gray.  
The wizard laughed.  He wanted to show his evil mirror to the whole world!  He took it and flew up high into the sky.  He flew so fast that the mirror started to shake.  He could no longer hold on to it and the mirror dropped!  It smashed into many tiny sharp bits of glass on the ground.
The wind blew the glass all over the place.  From then on, if one bit of that evil glass blew into anyone’s eye, that person would see only the bad and dark in people, no more the good.  So it was in that land.
Years later, a boy named Kai and a girl named Gerda were friends.  They lived next door to each other.  Both of them had their bedrooms in the attic.  When they opened their attic windows, they were so close they could reach out and touch fingers.  An old gutter ran between the two roofs.  In the gutter where water ran through, the families had planted a garden with vegetables and roses.  It was like Kai and Gerda's very own garden.  Kai and Gerda’s families were poor.  There were no toys to play with.  But they did not mind.  They played in their garden on the roof, and were happy.

When they opened their windows, they were so close they could reach out and touch fingers.

One day, Gerda and Kai were on the roof weeding the garden.  All of a sudden, a gust of wind blew by.  It blew a sharp bit of that evil glass right into Kai’s eye.  He stood up, stepping on the roses.  "I do not want to weed this stupid garden anymore!" he said.  
"Okay," said Gerda.  "Do you know you're stepping on the roses?  How about a clapping game?"
But Kai cried out, “I don't care if I step on all the roses!  And I never want to play with you, Gerda.  Ever again!"  
The Snow Queen
The next day, Kai took his sled into town.  Ah, that sled was so slow!  A big white sleigh was coming down the road very fast.  The sleigh came close to Kai and as it did, it slowed down just a bit.  Kai had an idea.  He quickly tied the rope of his sled onto the back of the sleigh.  Now he could ride behind on his sled!  But what Kai did not know is that driving the sleigh was the evil Snow Queen.  
The Snow Queen, in her white fur coat, had known very well that Kai was on the road.  She had slowed down her sleigh when she got closer, to give him a chance to tie on the rope.  She did not turn around to look.  She knew that Kai was speeding along behind her.  Soon he would be near frozen with cold.  Then, she knew,  it would be easy to make him hers.

But what Kai did not know is that driving the sleigh was the Snow Queen.

The Snow Queen drove on.  When she knew Kai must be bitter cold, she stopped the sleigh.  She went up to the boy.  "You want to ride behind my big sleigh?" said the Snow Queen.  "I can make it so you do not feel the cold."  Kai shivered.  “I will give you one kiss on your cheek.  Then you will no longer feel cold.”
Kai nodded.  She kissed him on the cheek.  He no longer felt cold.  
“Now, one more kiss,” said the Snow Queen. “With this one, you will forget all about Gerda and your family.”  Before Kai could say anything, the Snow Queen had kissed the other cheek.  She laughed and said, “If I kissed you a third time on your forehead, you would die.  But I have things for you to do for me back at my palace.” Then she got into her sleigh and drove on.
Where was Kai?
Kai did not return home that day.  Or the day after that.  You can imagine how upset everyone was!  They said poor Kai must have drowned in the river.  Gerda ran down to the river.  She called out to the waters rushing by - Is it true?  The river would not say.  Gerda took off her red shoes and held them up.  She said she would throw her red shoes into the river, if only the river would give back Kai.  But the river would not let her throw in the shoes. And that is how Gerda knew that he must not be under the water.
But where was he?  
Gerda went many places looking for Kai.  She went to see a witch.  The witch tried to trick Gerda into staying with her forever. Gerda ran out very fast, just in time.  Then she met a crow.  The crow told Gerda that to find Kai, she must go to the palace of a Princess.  

But where was he?

So off went Gerda to the palace of the Princess.  She did not know anything about Kai.  But sey gave Gerda warm clothes and a beautiful coach she could ride on her way.
The Robber Girl
Gerda was riding her coach when a band of robbers jumped up from behind.  The robbers were led by a Robber Girl.  The Robber Girl made Gerda go into the back of the coach.  Then she took the reins.  And Gerda was her prisoner!
Poor Gerda!  She had lost her coach.  She was a prisoner.  And she had no more clue than ever where to find Kai.  
The Robber Girl took Gerda back to the house where she lived.   Gerda must sleep in the barn, in a corner next to a reindeer. 
When the Robber Girl had left, Gerda cried out, “Oh Kai, where are you?” Two white dove birds up high in the loft of the barn, heard her cry.  

“Oh Kai, where are you?”

Said one dove to her, “We remember seeing that boy Kai you speak of.”  
"You do?" said Gerda.
“What a sad day that was!" said the other dove.  "That was when the Snow Queen drove by on her sleigh.  The boy Kai was riding behind on his sled, very fast."
"We were sitting in our nest," said the first dove.  "When that evil Snow Queen passed by, she turned and breathed on us.” The dove could not finish, and the other one said, “Only my brother and I lived after that!”
“How terrible! I am so sorry for you,” said Gerda.  “But you saw my dear Kai?  Where was the sleigh headed?”
“Most likely the Snow Queen was going to her palace in Lapland,” said the first dove. “That's where there is snow and ice all year long.”  
“How will I ever find this place, Lapland?” said Gerda.  

“Only you and I survived!”

Then the reindeer, who was roped to a post, spoke up.  “I know all about Lapland,” said the reindeer.  “It is where I was born.”
“Please, could you take me there?” said Gerda.  
“Yes I could, if only you and I were free of this place.  But who knows how long we must stay here?”
The Robber Girl was just outside the barn door all this time.  She was not really so mean after all.  She went into the barn and cut the ropes that bound the reindeer.  She helped Gerda mount the reindeer and gave her a cushion to sit on.  She even gave Gerda a pair of fur boots, two loaves of bread and a piece of bacon, too.  "Be off now," said the Robber Girl.  "Find your friend."
Off like the wind flew Gerda and the reindeer.  They rode and rode until it got dark.  Then they needed to find a place to stay for the night.  

Two Visits
They knocked on the door of a hut.  An old woman opened the door and welcomed them in.  Gerda and the reindeer told her about their search to find Kai.  The old woman said, “You still have a long way to go to get to Lapland.  The Snow Queen's palace is 100 miles away."
"How will we find it?" said Gerda.
“The windows of her palace burn with a blue light that can be seen for miles around," said she.  "You can't miss it.  But when you get there, do not go right up to the palace.  First, look for a cabin nearby with a red door.  Inside that cabin lives a Lapland woman I know."  The old woman picked up a piece of dried fish and wrote some words on it.  “Give her this fish," said the old woman,"and she will help you."
The next day, the reindeer and Gerda rode as fast as they could.  They flew like the wind for three days.  On the third day, they saw blue lights from afar.  When they got closer, they saw it was a large, dark palace,  Nearby, just as the old woman had said, was a cabin with a red door. Very cold they were by then, and hungry too.  And glad when a Lapland woman opened the door and let them warm themselves by her fire.

The next day, the reindeer and Gerda flew like the wind.

Gerda told her that they had coming looking her dear friend Kai.  And that Kai was last seen with the Snow Queen.  She handed the fish to the Lapland woman.   
She read the words on the fish three times.  Then she put it in the pot on the fire for soup, as she never wanted to waste anything.  
“Did it tell you anything at all?” cried out Gerda. 
The reindeer said, “Something to give Gerda the power of ten men?”
“The power of ten men!” said the Lapland woman, in a huff. “That would be of very little use. There is nothing anyone can do for this girl that she can not do for herself!"  She turned to Gerda.  "Your friend Kai got some bad glass in his eye.  That is why the Snow Queen took him.  By now, she has probably kissed him twice.  That gives her full power over him.”
“Surely something can be done!” cried Gerda.
"Maybe," said the Lapland woman.  She turned to the reindeer. "Take Gerda to the Snow Queen’s palace.  You will see a bush with red berries half covered in snow.  Put her down at the bush and wait for her there while she goes to find Kai.  And Gerda," said she, turning to the girl, "there is something you must know.  When you find Kai, he will not want to leave.  He is in her power.  He thinks that her palace is the very best place in the world.  He has forgotten all about you.”
“What will I do?” Gerda cried out.  
“Look at what you have already done!" said the Lapland woman.  "Look at how far you have already come."

“The power of ten men!” said the wise woman. “That would be of very little use to her.”

And so Gerda mounted the reindeer, and off they went.

The Palace of the Snow Queen
“Oh, no!” said Gerda after the cabin was no longer in sight.  “I left my fur boots behind!”  But there was no time to go back.  So on they went.
At the bush with red berries, Gerda climbed off the reindeer.  There she was, with no boots and her feet bare in the cold snow.  But the Snow Queen’s palace was right ahead of her, its blue lights burning in the windows.  So Gerda walked on.  
As she went, she called and called for Kai.  At last, there he was!  He was sitting on top of a frozen lake, down on his knees.  A throne sat on the lake, and it was empty.  The Snow Queen had given Kai a job of setting pieces of ice into words.  Other pieces of ice he must make into numbers.  For this frozen lake was the Lake of Reason.  And the throne was the very throne of the Snow Queen.

At last, there he was!

"Kai!" called Gerda.  But he did not look up.
Kai's skin was dark blue, as if he was frozen.  He had so little feeling left he did not even notice the cold anymore.  The Snow Queen was away and Kai was busy with his task, working on the frozen lake.  He moved one piece of ice here and another there, making the words and numbers.
“Kai!” called Gerda again.  Still, Kai did not look up.  Gerda ran right up to his face.  “Kai!  Kai!”  
At last, Kai looked up.  But he looked right past her with his deep dark eyes, and did not see her at all.  Gerda burst into tears.  Cold and cutting was the wind on that lake.  As Gerda cried “Kai, where are you?” one of her tears blew right onto Kai’s face.
The tear burned his face until his whole face felt hot.  Then Kai, too, was crying.  
“Gerda!” said Kai, “is that you?” Kai shivered.  He cried with joy, for the evil bit of glass was washed from his eye.  Kai took Gerda’s hands.  Though they were both frozen cold, each of them felt warm inside.

Trip Back Home
Gerda and Kai walked hand in hand back to the bush with the red berries, where the reindeer waited.  As they walked, the sun came out and warmed and dried them.  The wind stopped and birds started to chirp.  Before they knew it, there was the reindeer, in front of them.
The reindeer took them back the the first old woman, who gave Gerda a new pair of fur boots.  Each of them got a fur hat, too.  As the reindeer carried them on the long road back home, who came along the road but the Robber Girl!  She was riding the coach she had taken from Gerda, but Gerda was glad to see her, just the same.
The Robber Girl said to Gerda, “So this is the friend you traveled all the way across the world to save.  I hope he was worth it!”   They all smiled.
The Robber Girl said they should hop on her sleigh and she would give them a lift home.  By the time they finally got home, it was summertime.  Much to their surprise, they were all grown up.

It was summertime, and they were all grown up.

In the years that came to be, Gerda and Kai stayed the best of friends.  There were no more adventures with the Snow Queen or the cold frozen north, and each lived a quiet life.  But they knew deep down that no matter what, they would always look out for each other.

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